One of the most annoying things in the world is when you have teachers when you're younger say, "You have to do this in (high school/ middle school/ college) so get use to it now!" Well, I have one thing to say............. you're wrong ............... I swear that teachers just wanted to stress you out so that they could laugh at you and see you suffer because number one, there are less classes in college and ya you may be required to write a 10 pg paper at some point of time but you're not required to write 15 papers in a semester.
Right now I'm taking a class called "Introduction to the University" and the teacher I have for that class (we'll call this teacher Mike) is a very perfectionistic individual. You do something even slightly wrong and he will dock you points. Now, Intro to the U class is supposed to be the easiest class I'm supposed to be taking. WRONG! It's the hardest. I have at least 2 papers a month due and a test every two months plus I have to do presentations, have proof of doing service, and all sorts of stuff that are completely pointless. For instance, I had a paper due about "Why I Am Here In College". dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb. And, I try to be optimistic about this lame class but sometimes I just want to... AH!
Anyway, I officially vented and now I'm calm... yay me!
Broadway Chick
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