Jun 23, 2010

No money and Facebook Cash

I am a Facebook addict. Ok, I admit it!!! I get on about once a day and talk to people I haven't for a while, look at profiles (profile "stalking" if you really want to be weird like that), see what people are doing in their lives, etc. However, I also play... the games...

I know, ultra waste of time and most of the time, crappy graphics, but they are just fun. And they try and get you buy stuff with real money all the time on these games. "Buy shovels so you can dig for buried treasure!!!" "Use Facebook Cash and get a totem to make your crops grow!!! "

These offers are screaming in your face "BUY MEEEEEEE!!!!!" And then also whispering with the fine print "I'm a waste of your time an money!!!!!"

Now, I know that I'm not the only one in the world who has a friend who is a constant complainer on how much money they "don't have". Well, this friend, as long as I can remember, always has spoken about how hard it is for her and her family to have a happy normal life because they don't have the money to have all the nice things that they want and have to squish in a tiny apartment, etc.

Ok, so here's the reason I'm bringing up these two situations that seem like they have nothing in common with each other.

So, my friend and I play a few games together online, she has always been ahead of me because, well, she's been playing them for longer. Or so I've been led to believe. Now, when I'm playing these games, I like to visit other people's homes (in case you're facebook illiterate, you can visit other players homes and get money and experience points by doing certain chores or activities in other players houses). In this particular game, you can gain both coins and XP by traveling into the multiple rooms of your "friend"s home.  Now, as I'm playing, ads are popping up telling me to buy this and that with facebook cash. I'm finally in my friends house (the one who is always ahead of me) and I decided to look around her house more to see what she has... slowly, I begin to notice a Facebook Cash item, here, and there, and there... oh, there's one over there too... How else is she able to get these items? There's no way to win them, she just has them.

So, let me ask you, is it logical to always be talking about how much money you DON'T have and then all of the sudden buying worthless pieces of color that you will NEVER use in your whole life?? Yes, I understand that the 2-D furniture makes your room look "pretty" but, really? Let me just remind you... THEY AREN'T REAL!! YOUR PETS WON'T EVER GIVE A CRAP IF YOU DON'T HAVE PRETTY FURNITURE!!!!

Anyway... The End.