Jul 24, 2009

Another Tale Of Woe

JE DETESTE ESPECES LES HOMMES!!!!!! And that's not all! I just want to punch someone in the face because of tonight! The only thing good about tonight was that I got to watch Colin Raye in concert!  I will give you a hint at my annoyance from the evening...

The text in the above picture says: "An so the lion fell in love with the lamb... and the third wheel wolf plotted the death of the lion."

What? I was the third wheel? No! REALLY!? UG!  

Now, before you think I'm being totally immature at the whole situation, here me out. I've NEVER in my LIFE been the third wheel before. Nor have I been the third wheel with a guy that I guess I like. I've known him for what! Only about 6 years! And he meets this girl and decides he loves her after, hmmm... a WEEK! L'IDIOT! So, the three of us are at this concert together, Me and (for name sake lets call him Ian) Ian are there for free to sell glowsticks for a fundraiser. However, Ian bought this girl a ticket into the concert, and the whole time before she showed up, he was constantly saying, "I know some people who are coming." "I'm happy about who's coming", etc. Anyway, she shows up, she's nice (I shall call her Meg). I am introduced to Meg and we end up bonding as friends really fast. But soon, I start noticing Ian holding her hand, putting his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek, and getting really touchy-feely. Then, to tick me off even more, he starts swearing the full words out loud! Now, dear reader, you must know that he has never done anything like that around me before he just started doing it around Meg because he knew that she liked the devilish dark side of men more than the good happy-go-lucky side! I was getting annoyed with his behavior and her always standing between me and Ian. It bugged. Alot. Puis, doucement lecteur, il a continué à piquer des baisers de sa couverture sur le partage de nous! Their "sneeky kissing" hurt me alot. I mean, especially when I turned my head and beheld their conduct... a pain struck my heart that I had never felt before. Dieu ne plaise, je doit avoir un cœur! 

I mean, you hear all sorts of tales of the third wheel who didn't care. Like Donkey from Shrek. He was trying to help Shrek make the moves on Fiona, he didn't hurt because Fiona was falling for his best friend. Or (well this is technically the 4th wheel) when in the Three Musketeers Dartanian was smooching that one chick, you didn't see the trio of friends plotting Dartanian's demise and hoping it would be slow and painful till he learned his lesson. The only character I can really relate with is Jane Eyre. She felt hurt when Blanche Ingram seemed to take hold of Edward Rochester! She even tried to hide from the scene! To no avail...

I mean, COME ON! Just because the opposite sex hasn't asked me to be their one-and-only or their girlfriend for more than a year doesn't mean that I don't have feelings! And how could he calmly ask me to play racquetball with him tomorrow! I vent my anger in that game! Oh dear... I'm rambling.... sorry dear reader.

Thanks to the following websites for some nice photos for my venting purposes:


Mai gossipers aller et mourir

In case you have a wonder for the random french title, which I'm sure you do. I have been reading Jane Eyre lately and the french texts enclosed in this beautiful piece of literature has made me a constant companion of the translator on dictionary.com. So, I figured that the reason for Charlotte Bronte using some french was not only to "capture the characters true self" but also for showing some messages that are transalted to be harsh but were written to be romantic. Thus is the reason for my title. My writing shall be calm but my heart needs to release a harsh feeling.

Why is it, that when in a building, people think that walls can cover any conversation being spoken. I mean, walls can cover images through a closed door and such but sounds cannot be completely muted unless the wall is constructed to do so. Now, I don't know why people prattle about other people who are in the same area as them. But I must say, that the most distressing feeling in the world is when someone slanders your name to another within your ear shot and then acts completely cordial to you when you are within sight. Peu importe combien j'essaie, c'est juste pas assez bon. J'ai toujours calamonie' pour la moindre chose. It's now written. But my heart will be burdened for today but tomorrow hold for a brighter day.

the following picture came from http://www.princeofatlantis.com/visionarywonders.htm

Jul 16, 2009

A brand new device

So, I am the very recent owner of an iPod touch. Note: I've never owned an iPod before, nor any other mass song playing device. This is really all new to me.

My first experiences of using this device, was, I first downloaded a chunk of my CDs and burned it to the iTunes library. YAY! I figured it out all by myself. However, there were some songs that my sister had on a different computer that I wanted to have. So, I let her delete all of my songs off of my iPod so that she could sync my iPod with the music on her computer. PROBLEM!!!!! When I went to my computer to get my songs back on. It wouldn't let me! I fought with it, trying different tactics to let my songs onto my iPod, nothing. absolutely, nothing!

I finally, took my iPod back to the computer with my sister's songs. restored my iPod to its original state, and re-sync-ed my songs onto the iPod, and now I'm adding more newly found CDs to my collection of songs.

It was ridiculously tiresome just to have an iPod have the songs that I wanted, but now I have to just burn the songs I want from my sister's CDs one by one. Gr.

Well, that's my story for the day!

Jul 12, 2009

Little Children

Once upon a time, I had some exciting news. My brother is engaged! From a previous marriage, they both have 2 children him- 2 boys, her- 2 girls.  They are happy and are gross all kissy lovey-dovey, yuck. I like her, she's a sweet independent individual who is a great match for my brother. I mean, if you look at them in pictures, they look like they go! It's an amazing phenomenon how that happens.

Jul 6, 2009

A plant from the dark side?

Earlier this year, specifically on Mothers' Day, I was given a plant that had a trio combination of basil, tomato, and cilantro from my mother.  I planted the trio not doing any research on the cilantro plant- which at the time remained nameless to me and insignificant.  It was just another plant after all.  I planted some mint, strawberries and this trio. I felt pleased with my garden and decided it was good enough for me.

Where I live, we've been getting a lot of unexpected rain and my plants were doing wonderfully. Until the rain slowed and I hadn't been around to take care of my plants.  My mints are tough plants and all I need to do (even though they look horrible) is give them some water and I know they will bounce back.  My strawberries have been doing very well in a high weed growing environment, they seem to scare the weeds away actually.  However, when I looked at my trio, I saw something shocking.

My basil and tomato were wilting and not looking very healthy, while the unknown specimen was flourishing and more than 12" tall.  I pulled it out thinking it was a very large weed, but the smell of a sort of salsa sent hit me, and I realized, this was the unknown plant, and it was taking all the water and nutrients from my tomato and basil plants.  I planted the devil in a pot and tied it to some wooden stakes for support. I had never seen this plant before and I didn't know how to use it. It was like some sort of mutant that decided to invade my garden and I had planted it not knowing the danger it caused my plants! So, I decided to do my research.

I went to my cookbook, there I looked up in the index "salsa", I browsed the words for something that I never heard before and saw the words "with fresh cilantro". Dictionary.com aided me with the definition.  I was dealing with a plant that wasn't native to my part of town and it apparently has a split personality with it's name.  I did some more research on it and found out that it actually came from a different country- UK to be precise, I can't remember where it started first but it's been a part of the world since 5000 BC.  I did find out some really good recipes for it tough, but I have no idea what it tastes like so I will make salsa with it first and see where it goes from there. 

Funny thing, there is a place called IHateCilantro.com, check it out, I got a good laugh from it. I mean, who starts a revolution against a plant? I thought it was funny, but maybe some of you readers may decided it's a cause worth fighting for.

Anyway, that's my tale of woe for the day.

BroadwayChick *mwah*!

P.S. Some of the people looking at this don't know this very important fact. All underlined things that are not the same color as the rest of the text is not just because I'm bored and like to underline things. THEY LEAD TO A WEBSITE! Please don't be confused!


Jul 4, 2009

Happy Fourth!!!!!!

It's a wonderful day!  I know it may be 3 am, but it will be a wonderful day. It's the fourth of July!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMERICA!  Isn't this exciting. I just love watching fireworks, having a barbeque, and all of those wonderful things. 

Now, I probably know what you're thinking. What the crap is BroadwayChick doing awake at 3 am? Well, I'm looking for scholarships for school and the nap I had earlier today is not letting me go to sleep just yet.  

Anyway, In honor of the United States of America, I'm going to attach some really awesome music videos and some cool pictures.

