Mar 5, 2010

Narcissism and a dash of Harry Potter

I've made a discovery about myself today... a very important discovery. People who only focus on themselves... really piss me off.  You make some brownies, what's the first thing that someone says? "Oh, brownies, are they for me?"....


did you just ask that?

So, what do I do to keep away from these narcissists? I find comfort in 1) reading Jane Austen- 2) watching Harry Potter- 3) (ok maybe not "comfort" but it does take me away from them) or do homework. Mind you, I had some problems lately with my homework being stuck in the mail at the current moment, so I couldn't work on that. So, voila... Harry Potter.  Love. Harry. Potter.

It's been so long since I've seen the first two movie that I started crying... (yes, I'm a nerd, thanks for noticing!) at the end of year two when Hagrid came back and everyone started clapping. Then I thought to myself, "This is ridiculous! You should not be crying! GAH!" But I did. Also, for all of your wonderful enjoyment, me crying over stupid things in movies is normal. I cried when Superman died in DOOMSDAY. K, I lied... I bawled. Seriously, I get so attached to certain characters, and then my acting instincts kick in, I get connected with the character and begin to feel what they are "feeling". Thus, crying over stupid stuff...

Another discovery I made just recently, this time, about food. A while ago, I made a super good quiche that was supposed to be a spinach and bacon quiche (with the first onion I have ever cut---I didn't cry while cutting it! Yeep!!), however, my less than a week old spinach, was rotten. So, trash can consumed that. so, my quiche just had bacon and onions and other yummies in it. No spinach :(
Well, I had so many of the ingredients for the quiche leftover that I started to get creative with them. I bought some good spinach- that was name brand this time- and decided to have a salad. I still have 1/2 an onion, 4 large carrots, 3 medium celery stalks, 8 strips of bacon, and two bags of swiss and mozzarella cheeses. I caramelized the onions in a 1/2 butter 1/2 olive oil concoction, put that with the greens, slice up one carrot, one celery stalk, and 2 strips of bacon. Put that on top. sprinkle a little of the cheeses. Then I bought (a while back) a balsamic vinaigrette, squirted a few shots of that on the salad. I stirred it. And my mouth was very, very, VERY happy. Ya, it takes some work. but, oh, is it worth is. So when my Dad comes up to visit me on Monday, he is going to have to try it! So yummy for the tummy. (Once again, yes, we have established that I'm a nerd)

So ya, that's what's on my "Can't sleep....can't sleep... can't sleep...." mind in the wee hours of the mornin'.


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