Mar 14, 2010

Sisters, Sisters, there were never more devoted sisters

You know the song Paved Paradise? Well, I am reminded of the the lyrics, "Don't it always seem to go, that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone?" Well, readers, I have a confession to make. I miss being with my family.

I've had this anchor in my life that I always thought of as just weighing me down. I was convinced that moving away was the right choice and I needed to spread my wings and fly. However, I found that that anchor was emotionally and physically keeping me stable. If ever anything went wrong, I could just vent to one of my sisters, my brothers, or my parents and be done with it. It's off my chest, end of story. However, living away from them, my life depends on if anyone has their phones turned on. I bottle feelings up because they can't be quickly expressed, then I just BLOW! I can't do that!!!

Coming home this week for my spring break, I realize how lucky I am that I'm in a family that genuinely love each other and care for one another. When I get a hug from my litter sister, you can just tell from that hug what she's feeling. The one when I got home said, "I missed you, it's good to see you." My brother, though he would never admit it, misses me too. We were companions during the month of December for my Christmas break, he would come over nearly every day and we would just sit and talk. So, he locked my neck in his arm, just tight enough for me moving wasn't an option. I tilted my head up a little and just wheezed, "I love you, too.". That was it. He let me go and then messed up my hair a little bit, and he was gone.

I don't want to go back to school. I just want to stay here with my family and be content with my life just how it is.


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